Employment Consultancy
In Labour Advisory covered include the following:
- Deferral Contributions to Social Security
- Self-quota postponement
- Higher Social Security Workers
- Lower Social Security Workers
- Changes in Social Security Workers
- Preparation of Settlement
- Making Employment Contracts
- Highlands Business in Social Security
- Enterprise Data Changes in Social Security
- Preparation of Extensions
- Preparation of Model 190 (Annual Summary)
- Workers Off Letters
- Legalization Guestbook
- Jobs
- Preparation of work schedules
- Business licenses Quote
- Representations to the Social Security
- Advice and Education in General Management
- Oral consultations
- Preparation of Payrolls
- TCs making
- Low workers in the Employment Offices
- Copies of Collective Agreement
- High in the employer's mutual
- Kits Requests
- Processing in parts of Baja Employers Mutual
- Model Making 110 (PIT workers)
- Applications for Social Security cards
- Duplicate Social Security cards
- Study of Prevention of Occupational Risks
- Study of Health Surveillance
- Accident Insurance Mandatory for CC.